Environmental Maintenance

The Friends of Rondebosch Common (FRC) work closely with the City of Cape Town to support them in their role as the landowner and management authority of the Rondebosch Common Conservation Area (RCCA).

Several times each year the FRC facilitate the meeting of the Rondebosch Common liaison committee – the advisory committee for the conservation area.

The Rondebosch Common liaison committee (RCLC) is made up of representatives of the FRC committee, representatives from the City Parks Department, relevant members of local council and environmental and conservation specialists who provide support in an advisory capacity.

The RCLC guides and reviews the operational management decisons; project proposals and progress; and motivates for resources. Key agenda items include the restoration project, clearing alien invasive plants, addressing community safety, clearance of litter and more.

The FRC support an environmental maintenance and conservation works team. This team implements important environmental maintenance work such as collecting litter, clearing alien invasive plants and seed collection for rehabilitation.

A volunteer maintenance group also operate under the auspices of the FRC. Known as the Common Cause team, they meet weekly every Thursday morning at the car park and work on the Common from 09:00 until 10:00.

Many FRC members live close to the Common and visit it regularly, often just to enjoy its recreational value as a green space. This has the double benefit of allowing them to be more in touch with events occurring on the Common and to report any issues such as illegal dumping that may occur.

This philosophy as community custodians also includes reporting any vegetation fires that occur on the Common. If the Common burns too often, then it will significantly impact upon wildlife and the highly biodiverse flora of the Common.

We also appeal to all members to keep a lookout to ensure that no structural developments take place within the RCCA.

All membership fees we receive go towards the important conservation, ecological restoration and maintenance work of the Friends as community custodians of Rondebosch Common. Please consider becoming a FRC member or making a donation to support our work.